Three Steps to Massive Career Success

The 1st step to success: Find out the thing you love to do, then do it. 

Success is loving, having a genuine passion for, and being inspired to do your work. 

For example, if a man is a sales professional, it’s not enough to have crushed the interview, won the job, and close a few deals in your first month with the business. He has to keep up with selling, business, customer, patterns, and trends. The successful sales professional has to put in the time to develop and perfect his prospecting skills, questioning skills, objection-handling skills, product knowledge, listening, negotiating, and closing skills, and have the best interest of his customer’s goals, wants, and needs first and foremost. 

Phil Mann would ask the question often “are you interested, committed, or obsessed?” In other words, the successful sales professional is informed and proficient in the most current, relevant, and advanced methods of sales, communication, and problem-solving and possesses patient persistence, self-discipline, and a bulletproof mindset. 

The 2nd step to success: Specialize in a particular field and know more about it than anyone else.

For example again, if you choose sales as your profession, concentrate on learning, doing, and mastering the activities, attitudes, and mindsets of a word class sales professional. Give your time and attention to the development and mastery of the best qualities, behaviors, and attributes fit for an elite sales professional.

Jim Rohn once said, “Learn more, earn more. Become an expert.” Learn all there is to know about sales and selling, and if possible, know more than anyone else in your company. To accelerate your specialization attend webinars, read books, listen to podcasts, listen to top performers’ sales calls, listen to and critique your own calls and find a sales mentor that has already reached the status and success that you aspire to one day be at. 

The 3rd Step to Success: Be sure the career path you choose not only brings you success but also benefits and creates value for others in some way.

There is an old Zig Ziglar quote that says, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.”. In other words, your chosen path and vehicle to produce the success you desire should include some form of service to the world. 

As a sales professional, your service is not limited to just helping your customers get what they want and need. You can and should give back by sharing your knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and experience with other sales professionals that want to be in your shoes. This can be done in many forms today as a coach, trainer, consultant, author, blogger, podcast host, keynote speaker, or influencer.

Call to Action:

  • What do you love to do?
  • What would a world-class person in your field do to become a master?
  • How will the work you do benefit someone other than yourself?
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